Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 233, Fruitarian

Wednesday, Day 233, Fruitarian. i seek to read the Bible through each year as a matter of habit. Right now i am in the section where i am reading through the Psalms. i have also begun to read a very interesting book entitled "Foxes Book of Martyrs". It is a book written at the end of the medieval period of history that recounts the lives of christians martyrs and the character they showed in death. It is not a volume for the faint of heart. i am seeing the powerful faith and courage of those who stood on conviction on pain of death. They often quoted the psalms as their comfort. Indeed, i (along with countless others i am sure), find in the Psalms a source of comfort and strength during difficult times, as well as tremendous inspiration. One such text helps me often:

"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed. Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him". Psalm 126.

Although the path to life and health sometimes seems difficult, our hard work will pay off in the end if we are faithful. Today, i felt such joy as i worked out in the park. The workout itself was nothing more special than i would normally do, but i felt a sense of power in my person. i perceive increased vigor and strength as well as spiritual perception. It is a wonderful thing and although i know i still have a long way to go, the journey itself is filled with riches that all the gold in this earth cannot match. i praise my Lord Christ for this gift that comes in Him.

Today's meals were:

A whole watermelon (on the small side, about 12lbs), 3 peaches, 5 bananas. (1522 calories)

7 bananas, tomato-cucumber salad with guac from 2 avocados. (1613 calories)

2 bananas, 1 mango, 2 clementines, 32oz of delicious fruit smoothie. (1256 calories).

Ate like a king today.

50 chins.....50 bar dips....60 one arm pushups....40 regular pushups....120 one leg squats....25 tricep presses........32 minutes.......terrific workout.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


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