Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 119, 100% Raw Fruitarian

Monday, Day 119, 100% Raw Fruitarian. Just as blissful as the weekend was, today was full of troubles. But at least i have the memory of such a sweet weekend to help me move forward. Also, one very nice thing about today, i ate my other Durian for breakfast. i shared some with my wife and daughter, it was delicious. The thing about Durian is that it always leaves you wanting more. Perhaps if i ate like 20 pounds or so of it at once i might think differently. i would love to able to try that! Needless to say, i ate very well today. Anytime i eat Durian, i ate well regardless of what else i ate, but today i also had a couple more of those delicious mangos. Heavenly! So, fruitarian-food wise, i suppose it was a very good day. Here are today's meals:

One Durian, 3 navel oranges, 2 mangos. (1360 calories)

Non-sweet Fruity salad with plantain-avocado sauce (1226 Calories)

Exercise: none today.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


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