Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 90, 100% Raw Fruitarian

Sunday, Day 90, 100% Raw Fruitarian. Today, marks the three month point of my journey. i thought it good to have a little reflection and see where i am. i feel extremely healthy and fit. i feel like i am getting more so by the week. My mind is getting clearer and still clearer. The Lord is showing me wonderful things in the Bible. Deep things that give me strength. i am so very thankful that He led me on this path. My weight has stayed at 185-187lbs for the last several weeks. i still believe that will change going forward, but that is where i am now. i am really into fruit, even more so now than when i started. Watermelon is my big thing at this time. Can't get enough of it. My wife says its because of the water, that is probably partially true. But i love cantaloupe also, but in no ways how i feel about the watermelon. Speaking of water. Pretty much i have not been drinking any. i have not felt the need to as i don't feel thirsty and my urine stream has been crystal clear. Also, i have been urinating alot.

i feel at this time, that i would rather starve or fast on water than eat something that is not fruit. My wife is alittle concerned about that because whenever we are short on fruit, i just won't eat. So now she is making sure i have enough, but i also want to make sure the family has enough, makes for some interesting discussions. i still feel like i am in the embryonic stage of this portion of my journey. i also feel that having been raw for several years prepared me for this. Being 100% raw is another level from anything less than that. Being 100% Fruitarian is a still higher level from raw. i feel this in my own person. i still have some cravings for salt at times, but to be honest they are far and few between and not very strong. That addiction is going by the wayside (i thank my Lord for His grace upon me).

i had a good workout day today. i decided to do some reps to see if the isometrics are helping me. i found out indeed they have been. But first today's meals.

One cantaloupe, 3 honey tangerines. (344 calories)

Zucchini spaghetti mixed with non-sweet fruit and raisins, Covered in avocado-plantain-tangerine juice sauce. DELICIOUS. (996 calories).

one tangerine (52 calories).

i turned my timer on for 20 minutes and wanted to see what i could do in that time. Here it was:
121 regular pushups, 40 incline pushups, 14 chins, 45 one-legged squats (each leg). It was not much but last week i could not do more than 90 pushups or even one chin. i think i was out of condition since i had not done chins in two years. Two years ago i was doing 3 sets of 20. i plan on being back there (and past there) in the next few weeks. Overall, the isometrics are doing their job.

Later on, after our bible study, i felt so good i did 80 more pushups. They felt great too.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


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