Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010..........Day 16

Day 16 of the Fruit Fast. i felt alittle sluggish today. It is totally understandable as the sanctuary is being cleansed. What a beautiful thing the body is in that the Creator made it to clean itself out. As the Word so righteously puts it:
Psalms 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

This day did seem to fly by faster than usual. Had a clogged toilet to attempt to fix (unsuccessfully so far), a bible study and some other errands to run, then some business calls to handle also. Feeling generally sluggish i was glad i was able to knock out some pushups and tricep presses before getting ready for bed. Interestingly, my wife, youngest daughter and myself were getting ready to watch a dvd on the life of William Tyndale. i instantly thought about popcorn. Its something how we can be conditioned to do certain things without really thinking about it. i didn't have the popcorn because of the fast, but even if i wasn't on this fast i wouldn't because i want to stick to eating twice per day. Its working out pretty well for me at this point.

Today's fare was:
half a watermelon, 5 oranges, 4 figs, 1 avocado

45oz apple smoothie, 4 bananas, 5 figs, half an avocado.

Spiritual Bread: Acts 1, 2

Exercise: 200 pushups, 33 tricep presses.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.

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