Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010..........Day 69

Day 69 of the Fruit Feast. Day of Spiritual preparation for the Sabbath of Rest. Its been a blessed week. So many have died this week, so many have had serious life changing events, so many have become homeless. i am thankful the Lord saw fit to keep us safe from harm this week. He has blessed me with life and health and Delicious fruit. i have been getting whole durian regularly (such a blessing it is). i had a very nice workout today. No leg work, just upper body but did the workout in under 30 minutes. Re-upped on fruit from the big asian market in Greensboro, NC. i am taking a business trip to Connecticut on monday by God's grace so i got some fruit for the journey and stay. i will be there for 3 days. As part of the detox i experienced this past week, i have had some sores in and on my mouth. This has happened before to me and i know it as a sign of detoxification. i thought it good to mention it in case others experience it.

We are having holy communion tomorrow for Sabbath. i will fast from the time i eat dinner tonight until dinner tomorrow to keep my head clear as i am the vessel being used by the Spirit to do the service. Communion is a very serious thing for the Bible Christian. It means a renewal of the covenant between Christ and the believer. It is a covenant in the blood of Christ unto death. Which means the person partaking of the communion agrees to put away all sin in Christ and to be His follower forever until death. In Christ this means forever because not even death can separate the believer from Christ.

Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

By partaking of the bread and wine (fruit juice), the believer is making a commitment to allow Christ to dwell in them and through them forever. For me this is very serious and i approach it so. We encourage people not to partake unless they are prepared to make such a commitment because many partake not having any idea what they are doing. One thing i have learned, before getting into anything, make sure you know what you are getting into both for bad and good. Understanding all the possible consequences. i think many people would save themselves alot of trouble if they would take the time with prayer and deep thought to thoroughly count the cost.

Here was today's menu:
Breakfast: 5 mangos.1 clementine

Lunch (it was more like a pre-workout snack): Chopped sugarcane, 3 dates.

Dinner: 32oz of OJ, 1 whole durian (delicious), bowl of longan.

Spiritual bread: Hebrews 1, 2, 2 Cor 1, 2.

Exercise: 320 pushups, 58 chins.

Sabbath peace and rest to all who love Christ in Sincerity.

Grace and Peace be multiplied to all.

Have a wonderful Weekend!
