Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday, Day 206, 100% Fruitarian

Friday, Day 206, 100% Fruitarian. Had a good day today. The Veggie seasoning i created helped make some fabulous guacamole, with which i made a sandwich. Also made some delicious pate (the jackfruit works wonderfully with it, i didn't even use a mango this time), which i made some deviled tomatoes. The guac sandwich had some sliced tomatoes and portabella mushroom in it with romaine leaves as the bread. It was very good, but i think i will ditch the mushrooms next time. i had the same thing last night without them and it was much better. Ate very well today again obviously. Yesterday i met with a nice lady about some life insurance, but the subject matter quickly turned to religion and diet. At the end of the meeting she presented me with 12 delicious clementines. Two of which i ate in her presence, 5 more were breakfast this morning before my morning workout. Which was a terrific workout.
Yesterday i purchased some bandaids for $1 and some adhesive tape for $1.49. Together they protected my blisters wonderfully and i was able to have a nice run today pain-free. Right after the run i did some nice calistenic work. i felt great and wanted to do more but my wife was ready to leave the park so i had to go with my queen. i got a picture of her this afternoon. The greatest blessing the Lord has bestowed upon me is this woman of mine for 25 years.
Here is how today's menu went:
5 clementines (223 calories).
Half a watermelon, 1.5 mangos. (880 calories).
Large cucumber-tomato salad with pate. 2 guac sandwiches. 4 deviled tomatoes. (this meal was so big i could not eat it all at one sitting so i ate half of it and the other half was a snack later). (873 calories).
half of dinner (584 calories).
3 mile jog. 30 chins/120 pushups/18 tricep presses.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Grace and Peace be multiplied.