Thursday, Day 164, 100% Raw Fruitarian. i really perfected the unsalted almond pate. All i really did was tweek it alittle by not putting in the tomato and adding alittle cumin. That did it. It was delicious. Again it was so good that i ate it twice today. i took a picture of the finished non-sweet salad to show how big a meal it is when compared to a regular serving. Yet the whole thing including the pate is only about 500 calories.
The Lord is good as not only did i eat well today (including some durian pods), but i had one terrifice workout. What i did was make use of door handles in doing my one-legged squats. i didn't feel i was getting low enough. Prior to now i wasn't able to get any lower. Now i can with some assistance. i hold onto the two handles of a door with one leg perpendicular (straight out in front of me). Then i simply squat with one leg gettng my butt as close to the floor as i can. i am typing this the day after and my quads are still wiped out. i love it! The goal is to develop to the point where i can get that low without the door. It will come and it will not take that long. On this diet my body seems to be adapting quickly to new stress. i was only able to do 42 of them (7 sets of 6 each leg), whereas i normally do between 60-120. But these were much higher quality, which to me is very important. i also did 140 chins, which is a one workout record for me. Here are today's activities:
Non-sweet fruity salad (pictured) with almond pate. (517 calories).
Repeat from breakfast. (517 calories).
7 valencia oranges (delicious), box of durian (more delicious). (1003 calories).
40 minutes.....140 chins....42 one legged squats.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.