Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010.....Day 25

Day 25 of the Fruit Fast. My strategy for the next 2 weeks is to include about 16oz of celery juice in my daily intake. i really am not thrilled with the taste of if alone so i will be combining it with other juices (like watermelon & OJ). It does make me feel fantastic though. Today i put about 20oz of it in my smoothie. The thing actually tasted too "salty". i feel this may be the answer going forward, but, again we'll see. At this point i am no longer feeling any salt cravings. So far so good.  i popped up this morning at about 6am with energy. Which is one of the great benefits of the Fruitarian diet (at least in my experience). i feel like the celery juice will probably work optimally vis-a-vis the salt cravings in juices rather than smoothies and sauces.

Today's fare was:

30oz smoothie with Celery juice, bananas & alittle OJ. Half of a watermelon.

3 bananas followed by large non-sweet fruity salad with celery-avocado dressing.

Spiritual bread: Acts 12.

Exercise: Faith.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.