Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 114, 100% Raw Fruitarian

Wednesday, Day 114, 100% Raw Fruitarian. i would characterize today as a tomato day for sure. There was a sale on Roma Tomatoes at a couple of stores today at $1/lb. i was blessed to be able to secure about 6lbs of them. They are delicious. i think i ate about 8 of them today. They are shaped like large plums and the color and texture of them were such that i was able to get good quality. Then i came home to find out my children didn't think so highly of them. Well, this is one time i don't mind that at all! The case of bananas i bought last week are very ripe now, so i am consuming alot of those also. They, along with the avocados, are so calorie-dense that the consumption of them helps me get my daily requirements and then some. Here are my meals for today:

7 bananas, 2 tangerines, 2 navel oranges (976 calories)

Lunch:Large non-sweet fruity salad featuring about 6 roma tomatoes and one regular tomato with one cucumber, 3 large stalks of celery, 3 tbsp of raw chives and half an avocado.

The sauce was 12oz of juiced fuji apples, 2 large bananas, couple of small pieces of the celery, quarter cup of raisins, one half avocado with curry, basil and oregano. i also ate one avocado while i was preparing it. (Delicious)....(1269 calories).

Dinner:16oz of fresh squeezed oj. 4 bananas. 4 roma tomatoes. (752 calories).

Exercise: i did a 20 minute workout this morning. In that allotted time i did: 40 chins, 75 bench dips, 60 one-legged squats with each leg.

Later in the early evening i did another 10 minutes where i did: 32 hand-clap pushups, 25 regular pushups. It was a good workout day.

Grace and peace be multiplied.
