Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010.....Day 38

Day 38 of the Fruit Feast. Its become more of a Feast than a Fast at this point. Wonderful is the Grace of Christ. My legs were alittle sore today (they will probably be more sore tomorrow), so i focused on upper body exercise. As my energy level has risen, i pushed myself alittle more today. Felt great. i wanted to pass on a couple of things that i have noticed during this leg of the journey. From about my second week on this Feast, i have had mucous coming out of my nose daily. This week it has eased up, but it was coming out alot over the last 3 weeks. i remember when i first ate bulgar wheat after i had been on fruit for 7 months last year, the next day i felt the mucous in my system. i believe the wheat in all its forms gives me mucous. i believe this was not the original design of my Creator, but sin and processing has degraded the wheat products so that now this is the result. The blessing for me is, that since i have been freed from salt, i no longer crave the wheat. Soaked bulgar wheat with avocado and salt was my favorite meal. Its pull on me is greatly diminished now. But for those of you on this Path to the Garden of Eden, you may need the wheat until you get the victory over salt and sugar yourselves. If you have no inclination towards wheat, consider it a blessing. But still remember, the path to Fruitarianism in truth is a process that may take years (its been 6 years for me). So don't get discouraged if you still have cravings for other things. In time, the Spirit of Christ will guide you and show you what to do step by step, Victory by Victory until you reach your destiny. He will guide you in His time and at His pace, for He knows exactly what is best for you. As you learn to trust Him, Peace will be with you. We move Forward in Faith and Faith is the Victory:

1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Today's activities:

Breakfast: 25oz Celery-apple juice, 1 mini watermelon, 4 figs.

Dinner: Large Non-sweet fruit salad (5 roma tomatoes, 1 english cuke, 1.5 orange sweet pepper, 1 avocado), with celery-sweet pepper-lemon juice (quite good). 4 figs, 2 bananas.

Spiritual Bread: Acts 19-23

Exercise: 60 tricep presses, 210 pushups, 40 chins.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.