Day 129 of the Fruit Feast. Had a very fattening and delicious dessert today. Not something i would do all the time but it was a good treat. i cut up some strawberries and cantalope put that in a bowl. Then i made some topping with crushed almonds, dates and raisins. Then i topped that with a cashew creme. Really delicious, but definitely not guilt free. It was a nice change of pace though. It was a rainy day today, showers on and off, but it flew by (don't all days?). i have noticed that, in the mornings i really only want juices and/or melons. They seem more gentle on my system after breaking the night fast. My push up regiment is going quite well. For the last two weeks i have had a couple of sessions where i was blessed to knock out 500 along with 120 chins and do it under an hour. The goal for the month of May was 4500 and i have 4800 now with a couple of workouts to go yet. i will break 5300 for this month. The goal for June is 5000 (i am increasing by 500 each month). i want to do 8000 for the month of December but at the rate i am going now, i may get 10,000 for December. We'll see.
i am struggling alittle bit in the chins but i will meet my goal of 1000 for the month (i am on pace for 1200). If i can do another 1200 for June i will be happy. i would like to increase them by 100 per month with the goal of doing 1800 chins in December. Again, we will see. i want to eventually have goals for the squat and pistol as well, but i am still working on the rudiments of the exercises. Seems like i cannot do legs more than twice per week and still be able to walk so my legs need more work. All glory, honor, blessing and power to the Father in Heaven and to the Lamb!
Breakfast: Half a 20lb watermelon.
Lunch: Quarter of the above watermelon, 36oz of cantalope-mango-orange juice.
Dinner: Fruit crisp with cashew creme topping.
Spiritual bread: Hebrews 12-13
Exercise: 500 push ups, 120 chins, 48 minutes.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010.......Day 124
Day 124 of the Fruit feast. i have been praying for a deeper knowledge of God's Love. i continue to pray not just for more knowledge of His Love but also for His Love to be more fully manifested in me. In this way i can be used as a consecrated vessel to bring my Heavenly Father and my Lord Christ more glory and honor with the life i live in the flesh.
i thought on the part about the Lord sending blessings upon both "evil and good" and "just and unjust". i saw the sun mentioned. i realized that if the earth was to move off of its appointed path just a small amount towards the sun, we would all be burned to death. That if the firmament that the Creator placed to surround the earth did not shield it from the full power of the sun's rays, we would be all burned to death. i thought about how the Creator prepared these things and filled the earth with clean air and keeps the hearts of all wherein is the breath of life beating. Yet, the vast majority of the planet not only give Him no honor or glory, but either literally or figuratively shake their fist at Him. Yet He still keeps their hearts beating. He still provides the fresh air, He still keeps the earth on its appointed path. He is so very patient with the earth, His Love is strong even when the earth has chosen His eternal enemy to rule over them rather than the Creator. i want to live that Love.
Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Matthew 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
i thought on the part about the Lord sending blessings upon both "evil and good" and "just and unjust". i saw the sun mentioned. i realized that if the earth was to move off of its appointed path just a small amount towards the sun, we would all be burned to death. That if the firmament that the Creator placed to surround the earth did not shield it from the full power of the sun's rays, we would be all burned to death. i thought about how the Creator prepared these things and filled the earth with clean air and keeps the hearts of all wherein is the breath of life beating. Yet, the vast majority of the planet not only give Him no honor or glory, but either literally or figuratively shake their fist at Him. Yet He still keeps their hearts beating. He still provides the fresh air, He still keeps the earth on its appointed path. He is so very patient with the earth, His Love is strong even when the earth has chosen His eternal enemy to rule over them rather than the Creator. i want to live that Love.
John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
John 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
i am really feeling pretty wonderful these days. This being the end of the third week of May, i will have done over 4000 push ups and 900 chins. Not to mention the squats, pistols and such for the legs. The push up/chin goal for this month was 4500/1000. But it appears i will surpass 5000/1200. i want to stay on my original schedule and add 500 push ups per month each month. i have not set a chin goal, but i will just allow that to flow on the coattails of the push ups. The Lord is really energizing me thru the Fruit. While salt is back in my life (again), i am still 100% Raw. i really want to stay that way. i realize its the grains that have really been hindering my growth for a long time. They were friends for a long time, but i know now what they have been doing to me. The mucous, the clogged digestive tract, the lethargy, all due to my great love for grain foods. For some, the grains are still friends and i never want to condemn those who still employ them, but i feel its time for me to move on. Most of all i am reaching higher heights in the Spirit. Growing in Love for Christ and becoming more determined to be His fully consecrated vessel in every area of Life.
Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
24oz of cantalope-oj, half a large watermelon (very sweet and delicious)
24oz of cantalope-oj, half a large watermelon (very sweet and delicious)
Snack: 1 banana
Dinner: Large non-sweet fruit salad with cashew cheese sauce. i made some guac and spread a little on sheets of seaweed then wrapped some of the salad in it. Very good.
Spiritual bread: Ezra 1-4, Hebrews 7-8
Exercise: 500 push ups, 120 chins.......44 minutes. 1 hour of full court one-on-one with my son (beat him 4 games to 3, hey maybe next time i have 1250 push ups and 290 chins this week. i expect to do a small workout and top 1400/300 for the week on Friday.
Have a wonderful Weekend!
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010.....Day 121
Day 121 of the Fruit Feast. i have to say, i had a tremendous weekend. Sabbath was so very sweet with the fellowship of all our brothers and sisters in Christ in addition to some guests. We had a picnic in a very nice park and it was a beautiful day for it. We got into the Word of God and the Spirit was among us as witnessed by all present. Then on Sunday we had a surprise 50th birthday party for my wife. It took about a month of planning and we did it about a week and a half after her actual birthday so she would really be surprised. She had no idea and it was worth it all just to see the look on her face when she walked into the kitchen and saw many family and friends yelling "Suprise!". It was totally a wonderful experience. But with all the festivity i fell off the salt wagon.
There was so much delicious vegan and raw gourmet vegan food there. i could not eat of my wife's birthday cake so i ate some of the raw cheesecake a sister was kind enough to make for her and i ate some of the raw cabbage rolls. The cabbage rolls had braggs liquid aminos in them. Of course they were delicious and while i was still 100% raw i still feel like i slipped since i didn't want to use the salt at all. i am not sure how i will proceed at this point but i do know i want to stay 100% raw. That should not be too difficult (well it hasn't been to this point), but i will probably use some salt in salad seasonings and may partake in some raw food called "raw gourmet" by those in the raw food movement. As i was contemplating what happened and its affects, i realized that another thing i had cravings for which also caused me to leave off 100% raw was grains.
All my favorite foods that are not cooked are grain foods. Bulgar wheat, rice, ezekiel bread, unleavened bread for pizza, popcorn....etc. These i still want to forsake in order to stay 100% Raw. i came to the realization last year that whenever i eat the grains, within 24 hours i feel mucous forming in my system. Even though i love them they do not like me. That is the last line of defense for me staying 100% raw and i really want to stay raw. So now that i have fallen off the salt wagon, i am determined to hang on and not fall off the raw wagon completely.
Today, i had my wife's raw italian dressing on my non-sweet salad (which contains salt). i may just be in trouble here but i hope not. Time will certainly tell.
As far as my body, i still feel tremendous with very high energy. Had a great workout today.
Breakfast: 4 mangoes, 32oz Watermelon-mango-cantalope juice.
Lunch: non-sweet fruit salad with raw italian sauce. 36oz cantalope-orange juice.
Dinner: 40oz Watermelon-mango-cantalope juice.
Spiritual bread: 2Chronicles 28-32, Hebrews 1&2
Exercise: 500 push-ups, 120 chins....53 minutes.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
There was so much delicious vegan and raw gourmet vegan food there. i could not eat of my wife's birthday cake so i ate some of the raw cheesecake a sister was kind enough to make for her and i ate some of the raw cabbage rolls. The cabbage rolls had braggs liquid aminos in them. Of course they were delicious and while i was still 100% raw i still feel like i slipped since i didn't want to use the salt at all. i am not sure how i will proceed at this point but i do know i want to stay 100% raw. That should not be too difficult (well it hasn't been to this point), but i will probably use some salt in salad seasonings and may partake in some raw food called "raw gourmet" by those in the raw food movement. As i was contemplating what happened and its affects, i realized that another thing i had cravings for which also caused me to leave off 100% raw was grains.
All my favorite foods that are not cooked are grain foods. Bulgar wheat, rice, ezekiel bread, unleavened bread for pizza, popcorn....etc. These i still want to forsake in order to stay 100% Raw. i came to the realization last year that whenever i eat the grains, within 24 hours i feel mucous forming in my system. Even though i love them they do not like me. That is the last line of defense for me staying 100% raw and i really want to stay raw. So now that i have fallen off the salt wagon, i am determined to hang on and not fall off the raw wagon completely.
Today, i had my wife's raw italian dressing on my non-sweet salad (which contains salt). i may just be in trouble here but i hope not. Time will certainly tell.
As far as my body, i still feel tremendous with very high energy. Had a great workout today.
Breakfast: 4 mangoes, 32oz Watermelon-mango-cantalope juice.
Lunch: non-sweet fruit salad with raw italian sauce. 36oz cantalope-orange juice.
Dinner: 40oz Watermelon-mango-cantalope juice.
Spiritual bread: 2Chronicles 28-32, Hebrews 1&2
Exercise: 500 push-ups, 120 chins....53 minutes.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010.....Day 117
Day 117 of the Fruit Feast. Had a terrific struggle with salt cravings yesterday. It was very bad. So bad that i actually started contemplating ending this thing. But i thank the Lord i didn't. i mean, i was craving stuff like steak and eggs or a large cheeseburger. The crazy thing was, i have not eaten beef in about 25 years and i never had steak and eggs together in my life! It was really crazy. What i did though was i made a non-sweet salad and instead of the usual i put some raw cashew pieces thru the Champion juicer and made some butter. Then i added lemon juice and celery juice to it. It was good. The problem was i put way too much nuts into it and i nearly got sick. i could not even finish half my salad. i felt like just curling up and calling it a night. But my son wanted me to play some ball so i went out to the park. i felt terrible but the running and jumping somehow helped my system.
Going forward i am not sure how this is going to play out. But i am determined to continue on this fruity path so we move on. Of course, i am feeling extremely fit and energetic. Its just i am a salt addict. My wife saw me struggle and actually wanted me to put some in my salad but i refused. i am glad though that not only didn't i have the salt, at this point, i have not used any seasonings at all. Not that i think seasonings are a bad thing, but i would like to have my taste buds cleansed so that they are not so perverted. i may go to them in the future, but not right now. i mean, i may even go back to salt but i pray not. i really like the way i am feeling right now and i don't want to lose it. Well, we move forward.
Yesterday was a good day other than the salt craving attack. i did 440 push ups and 112 chins in about 40 minutes. Then i laid the law down on my son in basketball beating him 4 games to 1. We play 7 game series and he won the first three series we played this spring. That left him pretty confident and he said i would not win a series all summer. Well, on sunday i won a tough one that went the 7th game in overtime. But yesterday i just was too much for the kid. So now, instead of i won't win at all, he says i won't catch up to him (i need to win one more series and its tied). i warned him that i am not even in shape yet.....(smile). Today was an easy day workout-wise. i was on the road so i did a quick workout. i am over the thousand push-up plateau for the week but i want to reach 1200. Should easily do it tomorrow by God's grace.
Breakfast: half a watermelon
lunch: 2 mangoes.
Dinner: 1 mango, 40oz of cantaloupe-mango-tangerine juice.
i was sort of eating light today to give my system a rest from yesterday's debacle.
Spiritual bread: 2 Chronicles 20-25
Exercise: 185 push ups, 32 chins.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
Going forward i am not sure how this is going to play out. But i am determined to continue on this fruity path so we move on. Of course, i am feeling extremely fit and energetic. Its just i am a salt addict. My wife saw me struggle and actually wanted me to put some in my salad but i refused. i am glad though that not only didn't i have the salt, at this point, i have not used any seasonings at all. Not that i think seasonings are a bad thing, but i would like to have my taste buds cleansed so that they are not so perverted. i may go to them in the future, but not right now. i mean, i may even go back to salt but i pray not. i really like the way i am feeling right now and i don't want to lose it. Well, we move forward.
Yesterday was a good day other than the salt craving attack. i did 440 push ups and 112 chins in about 40 minutes. Then i laid the law down on my son in basketball beating him 4 games to 1. We play 7 game series and he won the first three series we played this spring. That left him pretty confident and he said i would not win a series all summer. Well, on sunday i won a tough one that went the 7th game in overtime. But yesterday i just was too much for the kid. So now, instead of i won't win at all, he says i won't catch up to him (i need to win one more series and its tied). i warned him that i am not even in shape yet.....(smile). Today was an easy day workout-wise. i was on the road so i did a quick workout. i am over the thousand push-up plateau for the week but i want to reach 1200. Should easily do it tomorrow by God's grace.
Breakfast: half a watermelon
lunch: 2 mangoes.
Dinner: 1 mango, 40oz of cantaloupe-mango-tangerine juice.
i was sort of eating light today to give my system a rest from yesterday's debacle.
Spiritual bread: 2 Chronicles 20-25
Exercise: 185 push ups, 32 chins.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010........Day 110
Day 110 of the Fruit Feast. i had a terrible toothache all night and all day today. The pain was so intense i could basically do nothing but lay down and try to hold my face. This caused me to also have a splitting headache. Add this to the fact that my legs were so sore from the prior days workout, i could barely walk. In short, i was in bad shape. Now the first time i got this toothache was about a month or so ago (as reported in my journal). At that time i figured the so-called lo-sugar, no sulphur dried mango i ate combined with the dates were the culprit. But i have had a couple of episodes since then (although none like this) not having eaten those things and my wife observed that the common theme in all of them was........Durian. i had to admit, each time i had pain in my gums it was after partaking of durian (including the first time). Perhaps its the irradiation they undergo on the way here, perhaps its just detox in my system (i had been eating durian since over a year ago with no ill affects until now), perhaps its a combination of things. But for a little while (a very little while), i will leave the durian alone. This week i had it 3-4 times. i bought five of them at the end of last week. i had eaten four of the delicious fruit and still have one in my freezer. Well, there was some good news in all of this.
My mouth continued to plague me all day into the late afternoon. i had only had some juice in the morning and could not think of eating after that. But about 5pm i started to get hungry so i decided on a non-sweet fruity salad with celery juice. It was about 6pm. By 6:30pm all the mouth pain was completely gone! i strongly believe it was the celery juice although it could have easily been the tomatoes or the cucumber. i mean the pain began to subside about 15 minutes after i started eating and i felt it going away. i was so glad to finally be pain free that i drank another 4oz glass of celery juice later. The stuff is magical for me.
So that gives me ammunition for the next time i eat Durian. In a previous life, when i was still eating beef i used to get an upset stomach if i ate a large steak or too many hamburgers. The only thing that would relieve me was eating raw celery stalks. Now in a new life i find the celery is still a good medicine for me.
After dinner i was able to crank out 400 push ups and 100 chins in about 45 minutes. i was moving alittle slower and actually felt like vomiting but i pushed forward (no pun intended). Afterwards, i was glad to get in the workout after such a painful day.
Breakfast: 32oz of cantaloupe juice
Lunch: non-sweet fruity salad with celery juice.
Dinner: 4oz of celery juice. 36oz of OJ.
Spiritual bread: 2 timothy
Exercise: 400 push ups, 100 chins. 45 minutes. (Praise the Lord i have done 1400 push ups this week along with 322 chins and 220 squats, not including split squats and assisted pistols). i really want to up the leg work so that my legs get used to it.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
My mouth continued to plague me all day into the late afternoon. i had only had some juice in the morning and could not think of eating after that. But about 5pm i started to get hungry so i decided on a non-sweet fruity salad with celery juice. It was about 6pm. By 6:30pm all the mouth pain was completely gone! i strongly believe it was the celery juice although it could have easily been the tomatoes or the cucumber. i mean the pain began to subside about 15 minutes after i started eating and i felt it going away. i was so glad to finally be pain free that i drank another 4oz glass of celery juice later. The stuff is magical for me.
So that gives me ammunition for the next time i eat Durian. In a previous life, when i was still eating beef i used to get an upset stomach if i ate a large steak or too many hamburgers. The only thing that would relieve me was eating raw celery stalks. Now in a new life i find the celery is still a good medicine for me.
After dinner i was able to crank out 400 push ups and 100 chins in about 45 minutes. i was moving alittle slower and actually felt like vomiting but i pushed forward (no pun intended). Afterwards, i was glad to get in the workout after such a painful day.
Breakfast: 32oz of cantaloupe juice
Lunch: non-sweet fruity salad with celery juice.
Dinner: 4oz of celery juice. 36oz of OJ.
Spiritual bread: 2 timothy
Exercise: 400 push ups, 100 chins. 45 minutes. (Praise the Lord i have done 1400 push ups this week along with 322 chins and 220 squats, not including split squats and assisted pistols). i really want to up the leg work so that my legs get used to it.
Grace and Peace be multiplied.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010.....Day 109
Day 109 of the Fruit Feast. Today is my wife's 50th birthday. Marrying her was one of the best things i ever did (besides surrendering my life to Christ, who sent her to me). This December will be our 26th anniversary. i love her so much. i can honestly say, she is more beautiful to me today than she was the day i married her in Harlem, New York in 1984.
Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
Proverbs 31:12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
Thus hath the Lord Christ blessed His servant. May He be blessed forever. Amen.
Today was pretty active. i did an intense leg workout. Then i bought fifty bags of manure for the garden that weighed 40lbs apiece. i had to unload them from the van and bring them to the garden. Moving 2000lbs of anything is a good workout even cow
1/2 Large watermelon.
Lunch: 4 mangoes.
Dinner: Non-sweet fruity salad (ran out of celery today), tossed with a mashed avocado. One 4lb Durian.
Spiritual bread: 2Chronicles 5-7
Exercise: 220 full squats, 75 split squats per leg, 25 assisted pistols per leg.
Grace and peace be multiplied.
Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
Proverbs 31:12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
Thus hath the Lord Christ blessed His servant. May He be blessed forever. Amen.
Today was pretty active. i did an intense leg workout. Then i bought fifty bags of manure for the garden that weighed 40lbs apiece. i had to unload them from the van and bring them to the garden. Moving 2000lbs of anything is a good workout even cow
1/2 Large watermelon.
Lunch: 4 mangoes.
Dinner: Non-sweet fruity salad (ran out of celery today), tossed with a mashed avocado. One 4lb Durian.
Spiritual bread: 2Chronicles 5-7
Exercise: 220 full squats, 75 split squats per leg, 25 assisted pistols per leg.
Grace and peace be multiplied.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010.........Day 108
Day 108 of the Fruit Feast. i don't think its a coincidence that i am getting into Fruitarianism at this time of my life. i believe those with the most clarity of thought are at an advantage these days. My thoughts today were with the people of Nashville, Tennessee. At least 22 people died in the flooding. Flooding in Tennessee, bombs in new york city, Oil spills in the gulf coast. Disasters have been happening for thousands of years, but only the willfully ignorant cannot see the increase in both intensity and frequency over the last 20 years. That with the increases of school shootings, families killing each other and (in this "enlightened" age), rampant diseases shows the Bible is right, we are in the last days and what we are seeing is just the beginning of sorrows. To me, the best thing i can do is be a perfect reflection of Jesus Christ.If i can be an example to point others to Him, precious souls can be saved from a lost world.
Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
James 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Recently i have been more into eating in a mono fashion. With the exception of the non-sweet fruit salad, i have noticed that i really only want one type of fruit at a time. i noticed that even the salad all i really want is the tomatoes. The other stuff are just fillers. i want to celery only because it helps with salt cravings and the avocado with fat cravings. Last year there were times when i could eat up to 3-4 avocados at once. This year i can only eat 1/2 -1 avocado and that would only be like3-4 times per week. The transiion continues and we move forward.
My workouts have started off very well this week. As of today i have done 820 push ups and 222 chins. i need 1125 and 250 for more weekly goals for the month of May so i am well on the way. i added a chin up bar to my bedroom today. i have my "gym" in the basement but if i am only doing upper body, i like to be able to do it in the comfort of my bedroom. So i did 12 sets of both push ups and chins giving myself 2 minutes rest between sets. It worked out very well as i did 420 push ups and 102 chins today. i felt very energetic afterwards and would have done another workout in the evening by i was on the road all afternoon into the evening. So i will do some leg work tomorrow.
Breakfast: 1/3 of a 20lb watermelon
Lunch: Non-sweet fruity salad with celery sauce (no avocado today). It wasn't as good without the avocado. i would have enjoyed it more if i had just eaten the tomatoes and drank some celery juice. i will remember that for next time.
Snack: 5 bananas.
Dinner: 2/3 of a 20lb watermelon.
Spiritual bread: 2 timothy 2, 2 chronicles 1-4
Exercise: 420 push ups, 102 chins 37 minutes.
Grace and Peace be mutliplied to all.
Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
James 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Recently i have been more into eating in a mono fashion. With the exception of the non-sweet fruit salad, i have noticed that i really only want one type of fruit at a time. i noticed that even the salad all i really want is the tomatoes. The other stuff are just fillers. i want to celery only because it helps with salt cravings and the avocado with fat cravings. Last year there were times when i could eat up to 3-4 avocados at once. This year i can only eat 1/2 -1 avocado and that would only be like3-4 times per week. The transiion continues and we move forward.
My workouts have started off very well this week. As of today i have done 820 push ups and 222 chins. i need 1125 and 250 for more weekly goals for the month of May so i am well on the way. i added a chin up bar to my bedroom today. i have my "gym" in the basement but if i am only doing upper body, i like to be able to do it in the comfort of my bedroom. So i did 12 sets of both push ups and chins giving myself 2 minutes rest between sets. It worked out very well as i did 420 push ups and 102 chins today. i felt very energetic afterwards and would have done another workout in the evening by i was on the road all afternoon into the evening. So i will do some leg work tomorrow.
Breakfast: 1/3 of a 20lb watermelon
Lunch: Non-sweet fruity salad with celery sauce (no avocado today). It wasn't as good without the avocado. i would have enjoyed it more if i had just eaten the tomatoes and drank some celery juice. i will remember that for next time.
Snack: 5 bananas.
Dinner: 2/3 of a 20lb watermelon.
Spiritual bread: 2 timothy 2, 2 chronicles 1-4
Exercise: 420 push ups, 102 chins 37 minutes.
Grace and Peace be mutliplied to all.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010.......Day 106
Day 106 of the Fruit Feast. It was warm and humid today, about 90 degrees. My son Joshua and i hit the park for a nice workout. We really went at it so that when we were done i needed to re-fuel with some OJ. When we went to play ball both of us were pooped. It was great. i noticed that my whole family, as well as people at the park were totally uncomfortable in the heat of the day, but i was very comfortable. i believe its because of the fruit. i drank very little water today (just a few sips at the park between games), but i drank alot of living water in the fruit juices. Its no substittute for the Living Water of Christ, but it sure does keep me strong.
i am excited to be getting some manure for our garden. i am hoping for a good crop of tomatoes especially. We are planning to plant some watermelon, celery, sweet pepper and cucumber also. i am a total novice at gardening and i am bugging one of my dear brethren for advice. He has been so kind and patient to give me help. This man has been keeping a large garden for years and he knows what he is talking about. i am blessed to have such a brother to help me. So i need to get some manure and some lime then hopefully later this week i will plant.
i have to step up my exercise some as i am aiming for at least 4500 push ups and 1000 chins this month. So i need to average about 1125 and 250 per week. i think i did about 4200 push ups for April and probably less than 500 chins because i sprained my ribcage. But i feel much better now and ready for the challenge. i figure if i can increase my push ups by 500 each month, i will be at 8000 by year end. We'll see.
i cannot adequately express the clarity of mind i am experiencing right now. i don't want to lose it again, but rather, by God's Grace, grow into it more fully. As i believe we are living in the last days of earth's history, i feel it my duty to represent Christ in my life to a lost world. i feel that so many hypocrites claiming christianity do more harm than good to the cause of God. If i can live the life of Jesus, maybe some lost souls can be brought to Him in truth and be saved at the last. The Fruitarian diet is really a great tool to aid in this goal and i am extremely thankful that i have been led this way.
Today's fare was good:
Breakfast: 36oz of cantaloupe-mango juice, 3 mangos.
Lunch: 32oz of OJ
Dinner: Large non-sweet fruity salad with avocado and celery juice.
Snack: 2 bananas, 3 mangos, 5 oranges.
Spiritual Bread: 2Chronicles 26-29
Exercise: 400 push ups, 120 chins, 1 hour basketball.
Grace and peace be multiplied.
i am excited to be getting some manure for our garden. i am hoping for a good crop of tomatoes especially. We are planning to plant some watermelon, celery, sweet pepper and cucumber also. i am a total novice at gardening and i am bugging one of my dear brethren for advice. He has been so kind and patient to give me help. This man has been keeping a large garden for years and he knows what he is talking about. i am blessed to have such a brother to help me. So i need to get some manure and some lime then hopefully later this week i will plant.
i have to step up my exercise some as i am aiming for at least 4500 push ups and 1000 chins this month. So i need to average about 1125 and 250 per week. i think i did about 4200 push ups for April and probably less than 500 chins because i sprained my ribcage. But i feel much better now and ready for the challenge. i figure if i can increase my push ups by 500 each month, i will be at 8000 by year end. We'll see.
i cannot adequately express the clarity of mind i am experiencing right now. i don't want to lose it again, but rather, by God's Grace, grow into it more fully. As i believe we are living in the last days of earth's history, i feel it my duty to represent Christ in my life to a lost world. i feel that so many hypocrites claiming christianity do more harm than good to the cause of God. If i can live the life of Jesus, maybe some lost souls can be brought to Him in truth and be saved at the last. The Fruitarian diet is really a great tool to aid in this goal and i am extremely thankful that i have been led this way.
Today's fare was good:
Breakfast: 36oz of cantaloupe-mango juice, 3 mangos.
Lunch: 32oz of OJ
Dinner: Large non-sweet fruity salad with avocado and celery juice.
Snack: 2 bananas, 3 mangos, 5 oranges.
Spiritual Bread: 2Chronicles 26-29
Exercise: 400 push ups, 120 chins, 1 hour basketball.
Grace and peace be multiplied.
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