Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend Review Days 243 & 244, Fruitarian

Weekend Review, Days 243 & 244, Fruitarian. i am really getting into working out. i don't think its any coincidence that i have been parting of a heavy fruit diet this year and i am feeling like working out often. My wife and my daughters are still doing all raw at this point also. They seem to be doing well as my wife is very good at preparing raw gourmet. i was fortunate to have saved a durian for this past weekend. Delicious food it was and i am still hoping to go to a durian-growing nation one day. Sunday, i was looking at news on the internet, it was about noon. i decided to do a set of pushups every 5 minutes for one hour. That would make 12 total sets. It was quite a workout. i ended up doing 620 pushups in the hour. Not bad. i am hoping to be able to do 1000 by the end of the year. It did wear me out though, as i was not able to do the level of calistenics at the park later that i normally would. But what a pump it gave me! i drank much of fruit smoothies this weekend. On hot days and nights they are ideal. i also ate some non-raw crackers my wife made with some guac and tomatoes. Tasted delicious but sat on my stomach as i fully expected. This also contributed to my lower production at the park later. But i really enjoyed some sandwiches i made with guac, tomatoes and iceburg lettuce (as the bread). i did put a dab of organic ketshup on it. Totally delicious. Here is Sunday's workout:

620 pushups (55 minutes, 12 sets). Later at the park. 36 chins/36 dips/30 tricep presses.

i pray you had a tremendous weekend!!

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 242, Fruitarian

Friday, Day 242, Fruitarian. Felt alittle sluggish today. i did do 100 chins and 100 bar dips while playing 2 hours of basketball very hard last night. So that may have had something to do with it. But it was wonderful. i was totally drenched in sweat with my back muscles totally pumped and numb. i was gloriously sore this morning. So i didn't get out to the park until this afternoon. It was hot (about 90 degrees) and all i did was pushups, tri-presses and squats. But i had a very rewarding workout. Again, thanks to the Lord Christ, i ate like a king. For the week i completed 1040 pushups/250 chins/250 dips/110 tricep presses/310 one leg squats. Good week. i feel both my legs getting stronger so next week i will try some jogging and add a medicine ball to my squats.

Here are today's meals:

5 large bananas, 1/4 watermelon. (880 calories).

3 large bananas. (363 calories).

tomato-cucumber salad with cashew sauce. guac sandwiches with lettuce. 3 large bananas. (1171 calories).

3 large bananas, 40oz of fruit smoothie. (1153 calories).

35 minutes.....240 pushups/40 tricep presses/120 one-leg squats.

Have a Great Weekend!

Grace and Peace be multiplied.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 240, Fruitarian

Wednesday, Day 240, Fruitarian. Its been 8 months now. At this point i am not craving anything. But that is probably because salt has been re-introduced to my system. My weight is now at 188lbs. Although i liked it better when i was at 177lbs (psychologically speaking), i feel great right now. My wife is very pleased with how i look also. My mind is so clear that i cannot tell how i even functioned before now. One my nemesis in the past has been bread. i have always been a bread lover. i have had some unleavened crackers my wife has made, but other than that, i have no bread cravings at all. If someone would have told me that i would be satisfied using lettuce leaves as bread prior to now i would have rolled my eyes. But i am very satisfied with that as long as i have something tasty inside (like my wife's raw lentil patties or some guac). There is no doubt i am physically much stronger, more fit and of higher overall health than at any time in my life. i like being strong without being bulky. i am totally in love with bodyweight training. This journey has inspired my family to do raw again, everyone except my son. Stubborn child he is, always insisting on going against the stream (where could he have gotten such a disposition from? LOL). So, while the rest of us are eating fruit for breakfast, he is eating waffles. While we have raw pattie sandwiches for lunch, he is eating pasta with sauce and toast. The thing is, he doesn't eat alot at all (he weighs about 135lbs at about 5'9") and he is very much a vegan. So we all just live and let live. i have been enjoying the summer fruits this year more than ever. Especially the watermelons. Really good and satisfying. i so much look forward to my workouts in the park. i am enjoying working out more than ever before. Been a great ride so far.

Today's meals were:

3/4 of a large watermelon, little bit of Durian. (1164 calories).

5 raw sprouted lential pattie sandwiches with tomatoes and onions. (431 calories).

32oz fruit smoothie and half a mango. (857 calories).

1/4 of large watermelon. (339 calories).

Morning. 300 pushups/50 tri-presses/80 one leg squats.....40 minutes.

Evening: 100 chins/100 bar dips......about an hour.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 239, Fruitarian

Tuesday, Day 239, Fruitarian. Some more changes. We have so much fruit from this past weekend, that my wife and two daughters decided to go 100% Raw until at least Friday. So for me, that meant i was not going to be eating any peanuts, because i didn't want to be the one to throw them off. Also, they are eating some "raw gourmet". Things such as raw sprouted lentil patties, raw tacos and raw "cheese" cake. With the exception of the cake, i partook of that fare. This means that i have had some salt because i know both the tacos and the patties have salt in them. But at least we are all raw together at this point so its no problem to me. Our weekend Raw potluck festivities were fantastic. As i alluded, our guests brought so much fruit that we didn't know where to put it all. We must of had at least 6 large watermelons, not including cantaloupes, peaches, grapes and a dear sister in Christ brought us about 20lbs of garden fresh tomatoes. A tremendous blessing. The fellowship was very rich and all parties are looking forward for our September get together. My Lord Christ is good to us for sure.

My knee is at least 95% as i am doing one leg squats, playing ball and generally going back to normal. i have not started jogging again yet, but i am planning on doing that next week. i just want to be cautious so as to not have any more setbacks. Otherwise my workouts are going on tremendously (although i still cannot perform a regular muscle-up, it will come in time. Of that i am confident). The bible speaks much on the subject of patience. i realize that, not only am i severely lacking in this area, but the majority of humans i have been in contact with are as well. Lack of this precious grace brings frustration, anxiety and bad decisions. An abundance of patience will cause all of those negative traits to disappear. This journey is helping me greatly with patience, mostly because i am more connected to the Source of it all. Also, i am finding myself waking up much earlier, like between 4-5am most days. This is especially true when my fruit intake is above 3500 calories. My body seems to just teem with energy in the morning.

Today, i ate like a king although i did not work out at all. i thought it best to rest my muscles for a day. Here is how the day went.

5 bananas, 1/3 of a large watermelon, 1/2 of a delicious Durian. (1298 calories).

5 bananas, 6 guac sandwiches with lettuce and tomato. (1261 calories).

32oz of fruit smoothie, 1/4 of a durian, one peach, 1/2 mango, 4 bananas. (1624 calories).

1/3 of a large watermelon. (407 calories).

i took it easy today. But for the week so far i have done 500 pushups/100 chins/100 bar dips/90 one leg squats/30 tricep presses. i am well on pace for my weekly goals at this point.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 234, Fruitarian

Thursday, Day 234, Fruitarian. Very good day today. So good that i was suspicious. i mean, our ministry received unexpected donations and also regular donations that were more than expected. i was able to witness for Christ to a couple who, was excited about the prospect of visiting our Raw Remnant potluck this weekend. i don't know too many things that give such a warm feeling as when a person tells you, that you are an answer to prayer. The CDs the Lord has us sending out are being made a blessing to the hearers. All these things made for a very sweet day. i didn't work out in the morning because of scheduling, but i did in the evening. Excellent workout as i did dips and chins between basketball games. Combining cardio with resistance training is something else.

Here are today's fare and activities.

1/3 watermelon, 3 bananas, 1/4 cup peanuts. (977 calories).

7 bananas, 6 sandwiches made from guac (2 avocados), chopped tomatoes with cucumber all seasoned. (1444 calories).

1/3 watermelon, 3 clementines, 3 bananas, one mango. (1036 calories).

100 chins/75 bar dips.....60 minutes of basketball.

For the week:
1000 pushups (200 one arm)/285 chins/260 bar dips/110 tricep presses/290 one leg squats.

i won't be posting on Friday as i will be very busy so......

Have a wonderful Weekend!!

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 233, Fruitarian

Wednesday, Day 233, Fruitarian. i seek to read the Bible through each year as a matter of habit. Right now i am in the section where i am reading through the Psalms. i have also begun to read a very interesting book entitled "Foxes Book of Martyrs". It is a book written at the end of the medieval period of history that recounts the lives of christians martyrs and the character they showed in death. It is not a volume for the faint of heart. i am seeing the powerful faith and courage of those who stood on conviction on pain of death. They often quoted the psalms as their comfort. Indeed, i (along with countless others i am sure), find in the Psalms a source of comfort and strength during difficult times, as well as tremendous inspiration. One such text helps me often:

"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed. Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him". Psalm 126.

Although the path to life and health sometimes seems difficult, our hard work will pay off in the end if we are faithful. Today, i felt such joy as i worked out in the park. The workout itself was nothing more special than i would normally do, but i felt a sense of power in my person. i perceive increased vigor and strength as well as spiritual perception. It is a wonderful thing and although i know i still have a long way to go, the journey itself is filled with riches that all the gold in this earth cannot match. i praise my Lord Christ for this gift that comes in Him.

Today's meals were:

A whole watermelon (on the small side, about 12lbs), 3 peaches, 5 bananas. (1522 calories)

7 bananas, tomato-cucumber salad with guac from 2 avocados. (1613 calories)

2 bananas, 1 mango, 2 clementines, 32oz of delicious fruit smoothie. (1256 calories).

Ate like a king today.

50 chins.....50 bar dips....60 one arm pushups....40 regular pushups....120 one leg squats....25 tricep presses........32 minutes.......terrific workout.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 232, Fruitarian

Tuesday, Day 232, Fruitarian. Another very interesting day. i had some leftover peanuts. Not being one to waste anything i did intend to eat them. After all, it had been 5-6 days since i had any and i was having a taste for them. So i did eat the remnant of what was left with my lunch. It was about half a cup of peanuts. About an hour later, here comes this tremendous energy surge. i had already had an excellent morning workout having done 60 chins, 60 bar dips, 160 pushups and 20 tricep presses. About 5 pm i wanted more. i did another 140 pushups (100 one arm pushups) and 30 tricep presses. i wasn't finished. i decided to got out and test my knee on the basketball court. Played 3 full court games. The energy level was off the charts. i wanted to actually do more chins and dips between games but i felt guilty because i had already done alot of them in the morning. At this report it is 5:39am and i have been wide awake since 3am. So i realize, the peanuts are good, but i cannot have them every day. So i figure twice a week may be good. This journey is so mercurial and flowing, its amazing. So here is the days meals:

3 bananas, half a watermelon. (993 calories).

6 bananas, 2 mangos, half a cup of peanuts. (1301 calories).

One peach, 50 oz of fruit smoothie. (851 calories).

morning. 60 chins/60 bar dips/160 pushups/20 tricep presses.....37 minutes.

Afternoon-evening. 140 pushups (2x50 one armed), 30 tricep presses, 60 minutes basketball.

Grace and Peace be multiplied.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekend Review Days 229 & 230 Fruitarian

Weekend Review of Days 229 & 230 Fruitarian. Interesting weekend. Let me begin by saying my wife made some unleavened crackers of the type we use for our home communions. i partook of some of that. Thus i have changed my title from "100%" Fruitarian to simply "fruitarian". The non-raw, non-fruit item was by no means a large part of my weekend fare as i ate an abundance of watermelon, peaches, nectarines, canteloupe, grapes, tomatoes and of course bananas.. But i just want to be fair to those following the blog and give an accurate account of what is going on with me.

As i blogged earlier, i stayed home for the Sabbath and had a quiet day. Well, semi-quiet. My body was suddenly bursting with energy, so that i could not keep still. i ended up having a wonderful time, reading, praying and doing one armed pushups all over the i didn't keep count of how many i did, but i learned something about how to strengthen my body to do them. i simply would lean on either a window sill or the kitchen counter at about a 45 degree angle with the floor and push off with one arm. i did this all afternoon as i was online fellowshipping with some believers and studying a dvd entitled "Total Onslaught" by Dr Walter Veith. i highly recommend it to all Christians seriously interested in the Present Truth. My knee is about 80% and feels great. i hope to be at full strength in about a week.

Now i would like to preface the next series of statements by saying, i am not a prophet. But i am a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. i cannot deny that at certain times i have felt the power of the spirit of God upon me as i am sure many christians have as well. Also, i have gotten very strong impressions about what i am to say to the people i teach and preach in front of. This weekend was like that. Fruitarianism, has greatly enhanced this process, as my mind is so much clearer and i am more sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit. The Spirit gave me two messages for the people of God this weekend which i shared and will share again in part this coming weekend. The first was called "What is Babylon?" and the second "Sorcery". i can say this, the newest health care proposals from our elected officials are about more than just medical benefits. i did not record the "Sorcery" message, but by God's grace will do so as i will repeat it this weekend. The "Babylon" message is mostly for those who have an understanding of the Three Angels Messages (those who understand them will know what i am talking about). The "Sorcery" message is for everyone. As always, they will be available free to any who request them by emailing us a mailing address.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program already in progress.

i did notice that the energy came back with much power when i eliminated the peanuts. This is strange though as i also remember the serious burst of energy i received when i first partook of them. At this point i am concluding that i simply over-indulged. i still feel the peanut is a good thing, but its not something to eat all the time and definitely not in abundance. For alittle while at least though, i will leave them alone. When i awoke on sunday morning, it was pouring rain. So i decided to workout indoors. Well, i had not choice since my energy level would have me climbing the walls...LOL. i did 450 pushups, including 100 one armed pushups (50 each arm), 30 tricep presses, 60 one leg squats (40 on the injured leg). This is the first time in my life i can do that many one armed pushups. i love them because they also work the injured knee and the abdominals very well.

i didn't do the squats with the door handle as they caused pain to the knee and i didn't want to risk re-injury. So i did, as it were, the free-standing version which of course was really a partial squat on the injured leg. But i am happy to be doing them! i am still blown away at the speed at which my knee is healing and recovering strength. Fruit is a great blessing!

i hope you enjoyed your weekend!

Grace and Peace be multplied.
